I am trying to get a power point presentation ready for the family history fair next week. Yes, if you are wondering I am teaching a class. On what? Online parish records. Sounds interesting does it not? No: well than I agree.
I was actually asked to teach this class months ago. You know what I told the person? NO WAY!! So why am I doing this? Because some people do not take no for an answer; no that would never convince me to give in to teaching a class that I know nothing about.
So, What Happened?
Glad you asked!
Well, the sad story is this: I was asked, I said NO WAY, she said please, I said No, she said please, I said I will look into it to see if it is possible to get enough information but I still do not want to teach, she said OK.
The end; well obviously not.
I told her one month later I looked up information and it was impossible to do. So my answer stands as NO!!
The END; yeah right not on someones life.
I was in a meeting at the family history center and someone else asked me: Can I get your outline for the family history fair. Conversation: I said what outline! I am not even in the fair, she said yes you are, I said no I am not, she said yes you are signed up to do online parish records, I said REALLY(now I am giving the person who asked me to teach a dirty look!! That I wish could hurt her, very badly!!)
The sad end to the story is: that by the time I was asked for my outline(which the lady asking felt really embarrassed about because she did not know someone else signed me up) it was to late to take my name off. The fliers, posters, and all the other ads were already made. So, here I am teaching a class that I do not want to teach and frustrated.
Then, while sitting here frustrated I was serenaded by Aisha's blog. It was singing La Ti Da by the Icicles and it just made me feel good; even about having no idea what to teach in my class. Maybe I can play the song on my power point and no one will care that they are not learning anything; hey just a thought.
Thanks for the music Aisha, I needed that!!
That really is awful. I can't imagine having to come up with something like that at the last minute, and all because someone couldn't understand the meaning of "no." Have you been able to find anything to work with yet? Good luck with your presentation.
And I think you really could get away with the La Ti Da thing. Use it for background music, and people will be so busy tapping their feet and singing along that they won't even notice what's on [or not on] your powerpoint presentation! It's a pretty catchy tune.
And to get Flickr, just click on the the bottom part of my Flickr badge-the part that says "What is this"- and click again on the link that says "make your own badge here." It will lead you through the whole setup process. I love Flickr!
Thank you for the information on Flickr, I got it up and running.
I have found alot of information about parish records that will help people, if they know nothing. What I was really asked to do was show how you can use online parish records to track down your genealogy. That is proving impossible.
All of the websites only have part of the records online, almost everything is on mircofilm; available at your local LDS FHC. Alot of sites want to get payed to let you see the records. I am sorry, I am not paying to prove that you can track down your family for the fair.
I will use the song it will at least make me feel good.
I think it should be a fun day. I even told the kids that I will take funny pictures of them and play a movie to fill in the left over time; 50 minutes is alot of time to fill.
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