Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Michy named this blog.
Last night for dinner I made the kids hamburgers.
Hann asked me last night why is it called a hamburger?
Michy asked why is it called a hamburger when there is no ham in it?
The answer is really quite simple: because Hamburg, Germany made the first hamburgers. They were nothing like the ones that we eat now but that is still were the name came from. I looked up an answer on line for them. I do it for all of the questions I get from the two of them.
The funny thing is that Hann started this conversation and he does not even like meat. He and Michy are what I refer to as almost vegetarian, they do eat meat occasionally. Lucky for me they both love beans and other alternatives for protein.


aisha said...

That hamburger is making me hungry! Did you make the one in the photo? And did Michy and Hann have hamburgers with you or did they have something different?

By the way, LOVE the funny story you posted about the little old lady and the car. I sent a copy to my family so they could laugh, too!

Jennifer said...

No, I did not make the one in the photo.
Michy decided to have a hamburger for a change, miracle. Hann are you kidding me, no way. He had oatmeal, his favorite. I usually make something different for Micky and Hann every night.

I loved the story too. Tsenu read it to me on the phone. I was laughing way before he ever finished.