Monday, January 14, 2008


Michy had to read a science fiction book and make a movie poster to go along with the book. Michy read Princess From Another Planet. This is the movie poster she made to go with the book. It says:
Princess From Another Planet

PG - for fantasy violence and scary images.

Gracie is an ordinary girl that is undeservingly stuck with an insane mother, who thinks she is an alien queen. Gracie's dad lets her mom indulge in the harmless delusion and Gracie's brother believes his mom.
Gracie's life is all of a sudden becoming weirder than her mom.
Gracie is begining to wonder:
Is her mom insane or an alien?
Is she even going to live to find out?
For answers to these questions watch Princess From Another Planet!

At the bottom of the poster she had to have three people comment on the movie. Michy wrote:
Gracie's mom said, "Truth is stranger than fiction."
Hannah Mountain said, "Hey all you slimy kids out there, who like my singing, this movie is not as scary as me!"
A goat from the movie said, "This movie makes me look baaad! I am going back to Gracie's trailer, to watch Billy Goats Gruff."

Michy has also been writing a five page report on Florida. And now she is in the middle of an eighteen page book due in a week and a half. Lucky for me Michy really likes to write.

Hann has had his mop trimmed. Trying to convince him that he needs a hair cut every now and than is a full time job. Hann is afraid that someone will cut his hair so short there will not be any curls left. His fear is justified, considering someone did do that very thing.

Tony turned fourteen years old last Wednesday. Now he and Van are the same age until next Monday. Talk about a baaaaaaad thing. Tony usually rubs it in. But this year he has actually been nice about it, because it was a stake dance on Saturday. Tony wanted Van to get him dances with the girls.
Last of all, I was able to watch to new Jane Austin movie today. I had to record it since I put my kids to bed and read to them starting at eight.
At least it was worth the wait!


aisha said...

Your boys are so handsome in their ties! My, they do grow up fast. And I like Hann's haircut-it makes him look older. I got a kick out of Michy's story. She has quite the imagination. And I, too, enjoyed Persuasion on Sunday night! It didn't start until 9 here, so I watched it as it played, but DVR'd it for [many]repeated viewings! Are you going to watch Northanger Abbey this Sunday? I've already seen it [via YouTube] but you can bet I'll be there for it. Taping this one as well to add to my collection.

Jennifer said...

Yes, I did watch it. The kids did not have school Monday, so I let them stay up while I watched. Tsenu, enjoyed both as much as I did. What a guy!