Saturday, January 5, 2008


Ignore the date! Tsenu entered it military style; aka backwards!
This is what the fence looked like this morning! 1-5-08

Last night we had the joy of having our usual winter winds. Here the wind storms come in at 80 miles an hour during parts of the winter. We have snow again already, but only because it is snowing right now. When I woke at 4 am there was no snow left on the ground. The wind had blown away a month worth of packed snow in a night, along with our fence. We usually have only a few sections of our fence come down, not the whole stinking thing. We have actually had good winters the last two years and managed to keep our fence standing up-right.

If you are wonder why it is that we keep putting back up a fence that keeps falling, the answer is our neighbors refuse to put up chain link(you know wood looks so much better). We have chain link around all the rest of the house, it never falls. Maybe this will be the year they change their mind about the type of fence. Wood does look better but in an area that gets horrible winds in the winter it is not practical. Plus, Tsenu is sick of paying to fix a fence he does not even want!

The neighbors did not just lose our side of the fence, they also lost part of their other side. SO SAD!


aisha said...

Crazy weather. I can't believe the entire fence fell over. Yesterday we were lashed by winds and rain, and many parts of California lost power. Fortunately we didn't-it would have been miserable.

Jennifer said...

Driving through town today we saw alot of damage. There was a stop-light blown off, fences toppled over every where, tree branches torn from trees, and even a few trees snapped in half. It is crazy.