Friday, January 25, 2008

The cover page of Michy's book.

Lazermort walking through the beaded curtain.

Lazermort with the gypsy.

Peep playing with his parents.

Mrs. Poter bravely standing before Lazermort.

And continuing where we left off.....

Peep peeped out of the room that his mom has placed him. He burst out in tears and giant sobs, wanting his parents. Lazermort followed the sound of the helpless baby. Suddenly, the crying ceased. Lazermort continued in the direction that the sound had come. He looked into a room and there sat a baby boy playing with a mirror.

Lazermort whispered his magic spell. Yes, it was ABRACADABRA. Peep held up the mirror and the spell bounced back towards Lazermort. In horror, Lazermort started to scream as he anticipated the impact of the light. not all of the spell hit Lazermort, part of it hit Peep.

Ten years later, a penguin named Peep sat in the common room of his school house, Magic Door. Peep sat there reminiscing about the past six years he has spent at Penguinpimples. He was a very fortunate boy to have been taken from the orphanage at the age of five. He was brought here to Penguinpimples by Stamplefloor, the school's headmaster, to live among witches and wizards.

Peep put his flipper to the wand shaped scar he received ten years earlier. He smiled to himself as he thought of...

Peep's though was interrupted as his two best friends came scurrying into Magic Doors common room. Peep looked up, his lips curved into a smile at the sight of Straberry and Zip.

"I'm bored!" Peep blurted out.

"Let's go to the seventh floor," Zip shouted in excitement.

"Zip, you're so stupid," vented Straberry, "Stamplefloor told us never to go there."

"Duh, think Straberry, he only mentioned not to go there because he knew we would," whispered Zip trying to sound smart.

Before the students could decide what to do...

"Wait, let me tell this part," piped in Lazermort.

"I dropped a blood thirsty, wild dragon on Peep..."

Things Kids Say

Tsenu is always home on Fridays, thanks to his government job.
This morning while the two little ones were getting ready Tsenu was in the library translating for the church. Hann had gone in the library grabbed a book and started to read. Tsenu looked down at him and said, "You need to put on your shoes."
Hann being ever so sweet told his father that he did have shoes on. He held up his bare foot and said, " See, I'm a hobbit!"

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just Because...

This is the latest series of books that I just finished reading to the kids. The books are all about the heir to the Hairy Hooligan Tribe(a viking tribe), Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. They are a super fun read.
I just thought I would recommend them in case you have not heard of the books, yet.

Continuation of Micky's story

Segment 2 ------ Pages 3-4

This story is not only about the malicious Lazermort, though. It is also a story about an undeserving hero named Peep Poter. Peep's story begins the following night...
Peep was happily playing with his parents in their home. A crashing noise came dancing to their ears disturbing the quiet of the evening.
Peep exclaimed, "What the heck!"
Peep's parents were so delighted about Peep vocalizing his first three words, they didn't realize the grave danger that lurked.
Quietly, a lizard crept in their home.
Peep's dad saw the lizard out of the corner of his eye. Mr. Poter started screaming and running around the room. A flash of light shot through the room. When the light subsided Peep glimpsed his father sprawled on the olive-green carpet. Peep's dad lolled there not breathing, not moving, not thinking, and, as you may have guessed, not alive.
"Lazermort," Mrs. Poter inaudibly murmured.
To the surprise of Mrs. Poter Peep sat noiselessly. She picked Peep up and slipped silently out of the room. Lazermort was to busy laughing his scaly head off to witness their departure.
After Mrs. Poter had hid Peep, she softly crawled back into the room. There standing back up behind Lazermort she tried not to show fear.
Lazermort turned quickly and shouted, "Where is the boy?!"
"What boy?" Mrs. Poter responded in a sweet voice.
"The baby," drawled Lazermort.
"There are six baby boys on this block," quipped Mrs. Poter.
"I know! There was Peter, Henry, Bobo, Monkey boy, and Harry, but I am looking for a Peep," Lazermort fumed with rage.
Lazermort whispered something only he would dare, "Abracadabra."
I know you'd expect something well cooler as a killing spell. None-the-less, Mrs. Poter too dropped dead.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Michy's Story

Michy had to right this 16 page book for school. I am so proud of the job she has done, I thought I would post the beginning of her story.
Before I start her book though there are things you must know. Michy has rules for writing in her class. They are:
1. You can not use the word said or say, at all.
2. You can not use nice or big, you know ordinary words kids use. BAND!
She is already finished with this story. It is due next week.

First few pages:

Lazermort stepped through the beaded curtain into a dark room. The only light was being cast by a crystal ball. There were eerie shadows lazily moving across the walls. A decrepit, revoltingly ugly gypsy sat at a round table, looking into the glowing crystal ball.
The gypsy beckoned Lazermort to sit with her crooked wing. Lazermort hesitated at the sight of the malformed owl that sat before him. His hesitation only lasted for an instant. He seated himself before the gypsy.
Lazermort opened his mouth to inquire after his heart's one desire, "What they hey?!"
At the very moment Lazermort was going to make his inquiry a skeleton dog came strutting into the room with a bone hanging out of its mouth. Lazermort looked from the dog toward the disturbingly deformed gypsy in shock.
"That... that didn't count... right? Your... dog made...", babbled Lazermort.
"Lazermort, you only get one question answered from my crystal ball." goaded the gypsy.
"Bu... But..."
"Lucky for you the ball always knows the desire of the heart."
"Oh..", breathed Lazermort.
"The ball sees a boy with powers as great as yours. He is but one, now. I see him in his mothers arms. She is singing to her little one. They are in their home in Ham Yorking. The house sits on Oinksalot Avenue. I am afraid there will be another you equal if... AHHHH...", the gypsy's speech was cut short by a blast of light. Her scream only lasted for the twinkling of an eye.
Instantaneously, the grotesque body of the gypsy collapsed to the floor. The gypsy's life was not the only thing that extinguished in a flash, the glow of the crystal ball went with it.
There, in the ominously dark room, sat a skeleton dog looking up into the malevolent face of Lasermort. A sneer found its way to Lazermort's lips and vanished immediately.
"If... what do you mean IF!" roared Lazermort.


Van celebrated his 15th birthday, yesterday. We had his birthday celebration on Monday, though. We took him out to pick out the gifts he wanted and even I was amazed.
Van decided that he wanted music for his i-pod. He want big band music and piano Cd's. Then, while we were headed to the check out line he spotted The Princess Bride on DVD, we have a VHS copy. He wanted to replace it with the DVD because he loves the movie.
I left the store so happy that I have a fifteen year old that has good taste and is a great young man.
Then, he told me that he wants to take ballroom dancing. He said that he gets to date in a year and he wants to impress the girls,when the time comes.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Michy had to read a science fiction book and make a movie poster to go along with the book. Michy read Princess From Another Planet. This is the movie poster she made to go with the book. It says:
Princess From Another Planet

PG - for fantasy violence and scary images.

Gracie is an ordinary girl that is undeservingly stuck with an insane mother, who thinks she is an alien queen. Gracie's dad lets her mom indulge in the harmless delusion and Gracie's brother believes his mom.
Gracie's life is all of a sudden becoming weirder than her mom.
Gracie is begining to wonder:
Is her mom insane or an alien?
Is she even going to live to find out?
For answers to these questions watch Princess From Another Planet!

At the bottom of the poster she had to have three people comment on the movie. Michy wrote:
Gracie's mom said, "Truth is stranger than fiction."
Hannah Mountain said, "Hey all you slimy kids out there, who like my singing, this movie is not as scary as me!"
A goat from the movie said, "This movie makes me look baaad! I am going back to Gracie's trailer, to watch Billy Goats Gruff."

Michy has also been writing a five page report on Florida. And now she is in the middle of an eighteen page book due in a week and a half. Lucky for me Michy really likes to write.

Hann has had his mop trimmed. Trying to convince him that he needs a hair cut every now and than is a full time job. Hann is afraid that someone will cut his hair so short there will not be any curls left. His fear is justified, considering someone did do that very thing.

Tony turned fourteen years old last Wednesday. Now he and Van are the same age until next Monday. Talk about a baaaaaaad thing. Tony usually rubs it in. But this year he has actually been nice about it, because it was a stake dance on Saturday. Tony wanted Van to get him dances with the girls.
Last of all, I was able to watch to new Jane Austin movie today. I had to record it since I put my kids to bed and read to them starting at eight.
At least it was worth the wait!

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Ignore the date! Tsenu entered it military style; aka backwards!
This is what the fence looked like this morning! 1-5-08

Last night we had the joy of having our usual winter winds. Here the wind storms come in at 80 miles an hour during parts of the winter. We have snow again already, but only because it is snowing right now. When I woke at 4 am there was no snow left on the ground. The wind had blown away a month worth of packed snow in a night, along with our fence. We usually have only a few sections of our fence come down, not the whole stinking thing. We have actually had good winters the last two years and managed to keep our fence standing up-right.

If you are wonder why it is that we keep putting back up a fence that keeps falling, the answer is our neighbors refuse to put up chain link(you know wood looks so much better). We have chain link around all the rest of the house, it never falls. Maybe this will be the year they change their mind about the type of fence. Wood does look better but in an area that gets horrible winds in the winter it is not practical. Plus, Tsenu is sick of paying to fix a fence he does not even want!

The neighbors did not just lose our side of the fence, they also lost part of their other side. SO SAD!


Michy's friend came over and asked her if she would enter a contest about what makes a house a home. Micky decided to make something for the contest. She never got to turn it in because Tsenu and I were in Hawaii but it is cute so I decided to post it.

Her perception of our family is meant to be amusing and three-Fourths of the way true. Sadly enough.